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F2/ (C3 C#3 E3 F3 G3 Ab3) C4 C#4 E4 F4 G4 Ab4 B4 C5 C#5 E5 F5 G5 (Ab5 B5 C6)

Material: Stainless


Allow yourself to explore the mysteries of vastness, and be enchanted by the mystical air that inhabits everything, connecting with this ancient wisdom that lives until today.

Having its origins in the most ancient times of humanity, in a period when the imagination permeated our minds, and our reality was built from this worldview.

Scales that exalt a mystical tension, with dissonant and intriguing harmonic intervals, create melodies that transport us far away in time-space.

We could cite the Egyptians, Sumerians, Persians, Arabs, and all the great desert peoples and their predecessors as precursors of this magical style of music-making.


 A2 Jabbar 20

A2/ ( Bb2 C3# D3) E3 (F3) A3 Bb3 C#4 D4 E4 F4 A4 C#5 D5 E5 (F5 A5 C#6 D6)

Material: Stainless

C# Hijaz/Kurd 19

(A B) C#/ (E F#) G# A (B) C C# D# E F# G# (A) B (C) C# D#


Material: Carbon

F# Romanian Hijaz 18

F#/ (G# A) B C# D F F# G# A B C# D F F# G# A B

Material: Stainless Steel 1.1 mm

F# Romanian Hijaz 13

F#/ B C# D F F# G# A B C# D F F#

Material: Nitrided Carbon Steel 1.1 mm

F# Romanian Hijaz 16

F#/ (G# A) B C# D F F# G# A B C# (D) F F# (G#)

Material: Stainless Steel 1.1 mm

E Romanian Hijaz 14

E/ A B C D# E F# G B C D# E F# G

Material: Nitrided Carbon Steel

G# Harmonic Minor 22

(C#3 D#3 E3 F#3) G#3/ (A3 C4) C#4 D#4 E4 F#4 G#4 A4 C5 C#5 D#5 E5 F#5 G#5 A5 C6 C#6

Material: Stainless Steel 1.1 mm

D Hijaz 20

(A2 Bb2 C3) D3/(Eb3 F#3 G3) A3 C4 D4 Eb4 F#4 G4 A4 C5 D5 Eb5 F#5 G5 A5

Material: Carbon

D Hijaz

D/ A C D Eb F# G A C (D)

Material: Stainless Steel 1.2 mm

G# Tarznayun

G#/ D# E F# G# A C C# D# E F# G#

(this model has no dimples, but you can order with it)

Material: Carbon

D# Tarznayun

(G# A# C#) D#/ (E G#) A# B C# D# E G G# B C# D# E

Material: Stainless Steel 1.2 mm

C Onoleo

C/ G Ab C E F G Ab C

Material: Carbon

All the scales and models can be customized by you; changing material, adding or taking off some notes.

 We have a space dedicated to this, access Custom Scales and tell us what is your dream Pan.  

*Some videos are from years ago, and may not represent our actual instruments, such as color and shape, however, we would like to leave the record

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